School Departments
Career & Technical Education (CTE)
The CTE Department provides a variety of services directly supporting the students, staff, and community of the Riverview School District.
On this site you will find access to a variety of program information that is offered in CTE.
CTE Director: Brian Reckling :: 425.844.4525 :: CTE Staff Directory
Programs of Study

Animal Science
Floral Design

Pre-Design Construction

Audio & Video
Print Technology

Business Marketing & Management
Accounting & Finance

Therapeutic Services Sports Medicine

Information Technology

Manufacturing & Fabrication
Engineering & Technology
Advisor: Marc Hillestad
What is DECA?
DECA prepares high school students to become emerging leaders and entrepreneurs through competitive events, community service, leadership opportunities and industry connections.
We are powered by teachers, students, parents and business partners uniting to grow the next generation of leaders.
DECA's leadership and entrepreneurship solutions are proven to take students to the next level.
DECA meetings are held during Advisory. Optional activities and meetings take place outside of the school day.
Advisor: Tony Kindred
What is FBLA?
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is a Career Technical Student Organization based on helping students gain leadership skills and experience areas of the business world in high school. With these skills, students are able to prepare themselves for their future in higher education or their work field. FBLA also has its own espresso stand, Growling Grounds, that is open before school and gives students the opportunity to gain work experience for their resumes.
FIRST Robotics
Advisor: Kevin Ross
What is FIRST?
Do you know about Riverview School District's FIRST Washington Robotics after-school program? You might have seen the Stealth Robotics Team 4089 from their t-shirt cannon at Cedarcrest football games and school assemblies. However, this CTE student leadership organization does so much more than just entertain audiences with their robots.
FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) is a non-profit public entity founded in 1989 by entrepreneur and Segway inventor, Dean Kamen. FIRST was started by Mr. Kamen to inspire young people’s interest and participation in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). The organization further strives to design accessible, innovative programs which motivate young people to pursue education and career opportunities in STEM, while building self-confidence, knowledge, and much needed 21st Century Skills. In fact, statistics demonstrate that over 88% of FIRST students have more interest in doing well in high school and 92% are more interested in attending college.
As of 2018, the Cedarcrest FIRST Robotics team has been in existence for seven years. Currently, the program is under the mentorship of four dedicated volunteers, Kevin Ross (CHS FIRST founder), Jim Wright, Eric Nesbitt, and Lloyd McCracken. These volunteers and FIRST students meet after school 3-4 days a week.
Under strict rules, limited financial resources, and an intense six-week time limit, teams of CHS students are challenged to raise funds, design a team "brand," hone their teamwork skills, plus build and program an industrial-size robot using exact specifications. Then these students go on to play difficult field game scenarios against fierce competitors from all over the region and country. It’s as close to real-world engineering as a high school student can get. Cedarcrest’s FIRST students learn coding, manufacturing, use of the Metals/Wood Shop to design and assemble their machines, programming, driving skills, time management, perseverance, solving difficult problems, and lots of organization. All of these skills add up in a positive way to help to shape the future for each of the young adults involved.
FIRST Robotics is open to ANY student who would like to be involved. There are many different robotics jobs in which a student can participate, so those with an interest and motivation can find their own particular FIRST niche.
The Riverview School District CTE department welcomes any support in financing FIRST Robotics or folks interested in volunteering. For more information about all of the nationwide FIRST programs, please visit www.usfirst.org.
Technology Student Association (TSA)
Advisor: Tim Kennedy
What is TSA?
The Technology Student Association (TSA) is a national organization of students engaged in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). TSA’s membership includes over 233,000 middle and high school students in approximately 2,000 schools spanning 49 states. Members learn through exciting competitive events, leadership opportunities and much more. The diversity of activities makes TSA a positive experience for every student.
Cedarcrest TSA has been recognized twice nationally as a chapter of excellence. In competition, Cedarcrest students have won state and national recognition in events such as Video Game Design, Music Production, Video Production, and Photography. From photographers to videographers to game developers, our alumni credit TSA with a positive influence on their lives. For more information or to join CHS TSA, see Mr. Kennedy in Room 142.
Advisor: Chris Kracht
What is WCTSMA?
As a student-led organization, the WCTSMA’s mission is to introduce students to a variety of sports medicine professions and prepare them for success. To achieve this mission, we provide quality leadership and educational opportunities. While the success of our students is of utmost importance, the WCTSMA also works to develop self-supporting intra-curricular sports medicine programs. The organization works to create an environment of quality learning and experiences extending beyond secondary schools into the work force.