Please contact the School Nurses if your student has a health concern so a health plan can be implemented.
CHS Nurses Contact Information:
Candice Karp, RN
Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday
Jennifer Rose, RN
Monday & Tuesday
Our School Nurses cover our health room every day from 9:20am until school dismissal.
Prior to 9:20am, qualified trained staff cover any health room/student needs.
Student Health Plans:
Students with life-threatening conditions (severe allergies, asthma, diabetes, seizures, and some cardiac conditions) are mandated by Washington State Law to have medication and/or treatment orders, and an Emergency Care Plan in place, prior to the first day of school.
Health Issues​
Please report any health issue your child has that could impact safety and learning at school to the school nurse. We ask that families fill out a Student Health Record each year for each child.
Medications at School:
Students in grades 6-12 (only) may carry a 1-day supply of over-the-counter medication (such as Ibuprofen or Tums) for their own use with appropriate authorization from the parent/guardian, and approved by the School Nurse. Medications must be in the original container labeled with the student’s name. The school accepts no responsibility for adverse reactions when the medication is dispensed in accordance to this agreement. This agreement may be revoked at any time if the terms of the agreement are not being followed and is good for the current school year. Agreement to Self-Administer and Carry Over the Counter Medication form.
Students who must take medication (prescription or over-the-counter) or have rescue medications at school because of a life-threatening condition, are required to have an updated Medication Authorization form (available at school or on the Cedarcrest High School or RSD web-site) with written instructions and signature from their Licensed Health Care Provider on file at school each school year.
IMPORTANT: Complete immunization records or a signed exemption form are required by Washington State law for school attendance.
An Up-to-date immunization record is required for school attendance per Riverview School District Policy P3005-6 and WAC 246-105-030 - Immunization of child care and school children against certain vaccine-preventable diseases.
To access your student’s immunization record: https://wa.myir.net/
If you choose to not have your student vaccinated, a Certificate of Exemption form from the Washington Department of Health is REQUIRED to be on file at the school.