Postsecondary Exploration & Planning
It's time to plan your future! Rearch potential careers and pathways using the links below.
Cedarcrest Juniors will meet one on one with Ms. Scott to discuss their plans for after high school. It is recommended that Xello lessons are completed prior to this meeting. Students will be called from class alphabetically. Running Start students or those who prefer a scheduled time may email Ms. Scott.
CAREERS: Explore careers that you're passionate about on BigFuture by taking the Career Quiz and learning how your test performance aligns to 1,000 occupations with our career readiness indicator.​
Career Connect Washington Search all career exploration, preparation, and on-the-job opportunities​​.
What do you want to do for a living?
Redefining Ready! is a national initiative launched by the AASA (The School Superintendents Association) to introduce new research-based metrics to more appropriately assess that students are college ready, career ready, and life ready.
A Guide to Education and Careers in Washington
Occupational Outlook Handbook from the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
PLAN YOUR FUTURE Your future awaits. Want more money and more options? Get more education beyond high school. Start planning your college or career pathway today! Washington has many options and supports to help you get the education or training you need.
Xello Complete Core Lessons from 9th-12th grade. Lessons comprise the student's High School and Beyond Plan, which is a graduation requirement. More information about the HSBP here:
- There are many options for students after high school including apprenticeships, military, on-the-job training programs, community college certificates, 2-year degrees, & 4-year degrees. The term college includes all of these things.
Find education and plan your career in Washington at Career Bridge WA Explore Careers, Job Trends, Find Education.
College & Career Compass ( Find your Path.
Junior/Senior Workbook How to Apply and Pay for Education after High School.
College Knowledge Book A collaborative effort across organizations to provide comprehensive college readiness information to WA students.​​​
College and Career Pathways and other Resources
College and Career Pathways An outline of potential postsecondary pathways.
College Means What do we mean when we say college? Help students understand the diversity of the term.
Technical and Special Colleges An overview of technical and specialty colleges.
LGBTQ+ and College Access Supporting LGBTQ+ students through the admissions and financial aid process.
Youth in Foster Care Supporting youth in foster care through the admissions and financial aid process.
Financial Aid and Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Supporting unaccompanied homeless youth with the financial aid process.
Information on Student Loans A brief overview of student loans.