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Registration Information

New Student Registration


New students who wish to enroll at Cedarcrest must complete a New Student Registration Packet. The packet can be picked up in person at the Main Office or by downloading a copy at the link below. Please make sure the packet is 100% complete prior to turning it in. If you have questions about whether your registration packet is complete, contact Cindy Stout, Counseling Secretary at 425-844-4890 or Sharla Hall, Registrar at 425-844-4808 with questions. The registration packet gives the counselors vital information to appropriately place your new student in proper courses and helps ensure a smooth transition, as well helps to formulate a detailed plan towards graduation. Once the packet is completed, return it to Sharla Hall, Registrar via email at or in person to the Main Office. When the completed registration information is activated in our system, the counseling secretary will schedule a new student registration appointment with your student's counselor.


If you need a New Student Registration Packet over the summer, please pick one up at the Educational Service Center (ESC - District Office) in Duvall or download an electronic copy below. Cindy Stout, Counseling Secretary, will contact you to set up a registration appointment when staff returns to Cedarcrest the 3rd week of August.


At minimum, new students must have the following documents prior to the registration appointment:

  • Verification of legal name

  • Proof of birthdate or other age-verification document such as a birth certificate, passport, visa, legal documentation, previously verified school records, etc.

  • Proof of district residency

  • Current medically verified immunization records

  • Discipline records from student's former school

  • Current transcript of any high school credits

  • Special education students must Provide IEP and current evaluation​


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Cedarcrest High School | 29000 NE 150th St., Duvall, WA 98019 | Phone: 425.844.4800 | © 2021 Riverview School District

The Riverview School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees are designated to handle inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures:

Civil Rights and Title IX/RCW 28A.640 Officer, Donna Reier (425.844.4500 | and
Section 504/ADA Coordinator, Jolene Barrett (425.844.4515 or, located at 15510 – 1st Ave. NE, P.O. Box 519, Duvall, WA 98019.

The Riverview School District provides equal opportunity in its programs, activities, and employment.

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